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What is SpiritPanda Costumes?

It’s a unique business that specializes in making fursuits and mascot style costumes. I work hard to make your wildest dreams a reality!


I just finished my last big commission (check it out in the Gallery) and I'm currently giving some older suits spa days and after that, I'm taking a break. My queue will be 100% empty. I need to reorganize some stuff, make new patterns and streamline how I work. I have a project planned for the spring that will take up the majority of my work time. I can't WAIT to show you guys!! It's going to be very cool!

That will bring me to about
 summer. That's when I'm currently planning on opening for new custom work. I'm not putting a solid date on that though. Keep an eye on here or my socials for updates!

I hope you’ll consider joining our family of amazing fuzzy critters!


Upcoming Conventions -

  • Attending Anthrocon 2024

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